
Luceo Images is a collection of photographers creating a space for fresh visual narratives. Luceo offers documentary, portraiture, and commercial photography as well as new media production on an assignment basis. Our photographers attempt to push the bounds of traditional imagery both in our personal and assignment work.

We are based around the US as well as Southeast Asia and Mexico. This blog is meant as a place to keep up with most recent news and publications from our photographers. To view a portfolio please visit our website at www.luceoimages.com

Luceo Photographers:

David Walter Banks:
Atlanta, Georgia
Southeastern U.S.
cell: 706.296.3085
email: david@davidwalterbanks.com
website: http://www.davidwalterbanks.com
blog: http://david.luceoimages.com/

Kendrick Brinson:
Augusta, Georgia
Southeastern U.S.
cell: 803.479.1472
email: kendrick@kendrickbrinson.com
website: http://www.kendrickbrinson.com
blog: http://kendrick.luceoimages.com/

Matt Eich:
Athens, Ohio
Midwestern U.S.
cell: 757.319.7053
email: eich.matt@gmail.com
website: http://www.matteichphoto.com
Contact David Laidler for assignments
+1 646.290.7816

Kevin German:
Saigon, Vietnam
Southeastern Asia
U.S.: +1.360.450.5810
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: +84.948.757.223
website: http://www.kevingerman.com
email: kevin@kevingerman.com
blog: http://www.kevingerman.blogspot.com/

Tim Lytvinenko:
Raleigh, North Carolina
Eastern Seaboard
cell: 919.210.7351
email: mail@timlytvinenko.com
website: http://www.timlytvinenko.com
blog: http://www.timlytvinenko.com/blog

Matt Slaby:
Denver, Colorado
Rocky Mountain West
Latin America
cell: 303.877.0273
email: matt@mattslaby.com
website: http://www.mattslaby.com
blog: http://mattslaby.luceoimages.com/

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